Things you Must never say at a funeral
Most mourners know little about funeral etiquette. Some of the things we say at funerals can hurt the family of the deceased in one way or another. Never say these 7 things at a funeral, as outlined by
1. The deceased was nasty
Never be judgmental when you attend a funeral. Make sure you say these that are in line with the celebration of a life well-lived. Some of the wrong deeds of the deceased can cause drama at the funeral.
2. We are better off he’s dead
Never celebrate the death of someone. There are people who are grieving following the death. There are those who were depending on the deceased. Such remarks show that you do not care about the welfare of the living.
3. Did she/he leave you any money?
It is considered rude and inhuman of you to ask whether the deceased left behind any cash. It shows you do not care about what befell the family but money. Remember no amount of money can replace a life.
4. He’s in a better place now
Death is painful. Very few people take death lightly. Telling the family of the deceased that he is at a better place will hurt them even more. Instead, condole with them in a different manner.
5. You must be devastated
Death comes unexpectedly. When it hits on us, we become devastated in different ways. It does not make sense to ask someone how she or he feels after losing a close person in his or her life.
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