HEALTH: 15 Food you should not eat to avoid CANCER
Millions of people are unknowingly consuming harmful foods every day. The worst part is that many of us make those foods pillars of our diet.
We all know that some foods are better for us than others, but are there so many foods that we should completely avoid them? Research and long-term studies recently completed have indeed revealed alarming results.
In addition to causing many problems, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes … some foods have even been linked to cancer. Let’s take a look at some of the “worst criminals” and find out what we really need to avoid ingesting.
In addition to causing many problems, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes … some foods have even been linked to cancer. Let’s take a look at some of the “worst criminals” and find out what we really need to avoid ingesting.
1. Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils are found in all sorts of food. Such as pre-packaged food, fast food, and margarine. These oils were once vegetable oils but then were processed into trans fats. It has been strongly suggested that such fats cause a variety of cancers.
2. Popcorn

Aside from the fact that processed popcorn can contain these hydrogenated oils, microwave popcorn has been suggested to cause cancer. Namely, lung cancer. It is said there is a chemical on the inside of the non-stick bag that can wreak havoc on our system and become carcinogenic.
Nearly every American eats this next food on a weekly basis.
3. Lunch Meat

Processed lunch meat is loaded all sorts of harmful substances. For starters, the animal could have been fed pesticides or GMOs. But more often than that harming us, the nitrates used to preserve the meat is far more harmful.
4. Hot Dogs

Much like lunch meat, hot dogs contain all sorts of cancer-causing love. Like lunch meat, they also contain sodium phosphate which is a known killer. To put it into perspective, it is suggested that over 34,000 people die each year due to processed meat.
5. White Flour

White flour is pretty much just glorified sugar. White flour takes the beneficial whole wheat flour and bleaches, tampers, and processes it until it is unrecognizable. You know the insult ‘drink bleach’? Well, why would you when you can just eat a sandwich with white bread and lunch meat?
Or, have a burger with this next food! Keep reading!
6. Red Meat

Red meat is often smoked, cured, and salted to the point of danger. Often preservatives are even added to retain some means of ‘freshness’. It has been proven to damage the lining in the colon and cause related cancers. On the same note, people who eat a lot of red meat eat less veggies that fight off cancer.
7. Diet Soda

So, you’re trying to clean up and cut back on calories? That’s good, but in fact, diet soda has been said to be just as harmful as sugary soda. This sweetener known as aspartame has been linked to brain cancer, leukemia, and other cancers.
8. Soda and Other Sweets

Sugar is bad…plain and simple. But it isn’t the glucose found in fruits that are doing it, but rather the white sugars that have been heavily processed. Cancer loves sugar and tumors feed off of it! The more processed, the better for cancer cells.
9. Actually Anything Diet

Back to aspartame, a deadly substance. Aspartame is still acceptable today, but so were other artificial sweeteners at one point. But eventually, those substances were banned by the government! In general, it is best to put only natural, or even better organic, foods into your body.
10. Farmed Fish

Most farmed fish are loaded with antibiotics, pesticides, and inhumane chemicals. Eating fresh caught fish can do wonders for your body, but add preservatives and additives and you’ll reverse all of its natural benefits. Besides, fishing is fun, you should try it!
11. Canned Food

The biggest culprit with canned foods is BPA. The chemical used in cans and bottles has been strongly linked to cancer, especially breast cancer. Manufacturers argue the dangers, but most evidence comes from non-profit organizations. So it’s up to you. Trust the money makers or the non-profit groups?
12. Alcohol

It is a known fact that drinking alcohol comes with its risks. But cancer is not usually on that list. Yet extensive research has proven that alcohol is linked to several cancers. Although not all related to cancer, about 3.5% of US deaths are alcohol related.
13. Potato Chips

Acrylamide is a chemical found in caulk, cigarette smoke, adhesives, and potato chips. You read that right…potato chips. I bet you’re wondering why such a chemical is allowed to reach foods that we consume. But the ACS has been asking manufacturers this for years!
14. Charred Foods

The black part of the BBQ chicken may be your favorite, but you may want to think twice before chowing down in it. The reason we know it is toxic is because a railway tunnel collapsed once, contaminating a stream with the chemical and killing cows.
15. GMOs (Like in Milk/Coffee Creamer)

Bet you said milk. But actually cows drink water. But milk is the concern here. Or rather the GMOs (or hormones) often used in cows to increase milk production. It is a nearly-proven cancer causing substance that has been banned in most countries.
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