10 Signs You Might Have Diabetes
From those symptoms we love to talk about at the water cooler – “Man, am I tired!” to those that we really don’t want anyone else to know – ahem, erectile dysfunction, cough – the signs of diabetes are subtle but serious.
And while diabetes is manageable, it can shorten your life considerably.
It can also up your risk of things like blindness, heart attack, and even loss of a foot. Check out our full list of signs that add up to diabetes and then do the math – a trip to the doctor may be warranted.
1. Fatigue

Sure, lots of things cause fatigue, including the simplest explanation that you’re just not sleeping enough. But fatigue almost always comes along with diabetes because the body is trying and failing to use the fuel that’s put in.
If you find that you’re extra tired after eating, when you should have more energy, that’s a strong sign that diabetes might be present.
2. Excessive hunger and thirst

What happens is that the body is overwhelmed by the task of processing glucose in your bloodstream. Water is pulled out of cells to try and flush away the excess, but in the process, all the important nutrients your body needs, including the glucose itself, are lost.
The result is a cycle of dehydration and hunger that eating and drinking more only perpetuates.
3. Frequent urination

Because water is pulled from all available cells in order to flush away excess glucose, the kidneys get overwhelmed trying to filter and reabsorb it. That means you’ll be running to the toilet way more than usual to eliminate the build-up.
All that peeing can leave the body very dehydrated, not to mention exhausted, because this is a 24/7 problem that will affect your ability to sleep through the night.
4. Yeast infections

Yeast infections most often occur in vaginal tissues, but men aren’t off the hook completely! Yeast feeds on excess sugar, which can be secreted in sweat, urine, and mucus.
Therefore, yeast infections are found almost anywhere on the skin, but especially in places that tend to trap moisture. Add in a compromised immune system and yeast can be difficult to control in diabetic patients.
5. Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction in men with uncontrolled diabetes likely stems from damage to nerves and blood vessels. Though embarrassing to discuss, erectile dysfunction affects both the sufferer and his partner.
Probably the last thing you need when already feeling crummy from uncontrolled diabetes is an unhappy relationship with your significant other, so put the embarrassment aside and speak to your doctor ASAP.
6. Blurry vision

Diabetes causes blurry vision because your eyes depend on the fluid within and around them to function properly. A dehydrated lens warps and struggles to focus. This condition often resolves upon proper diabetes management.
However, left unchecked, diabetes also causes nerve damage. When new vessels in the back of the eye attempt to form over damaged vessels, it can lead to permanent blindness.
7. Slow healing sores

Have you noticed any cuts or sores that just aren’t going away? Unless you’ve been picking at them, slow healing may indicate diabetes.
Not only is your body’s system for healing compromised by its effort to expel excess glucose, but a bunch of opportunistic infections just love to feed on sugar and will take advantage of its availability.
8. Unexplained weight loss

Being able to eat as much as you want and still lose weight sounds like a dream, right? Actually, it’s more like a nightmare as your body is failing to retrieve fuel from the food you eat and instead burning fat to survive.
That’s not sustainable over the long term, and a sign that diabetes is causing you to starve no matter how much you consume.
9. Nausea and vomiting

When uncontrolled diabetes results in rapid weight loss, your body is burning fat at an unsustainable rate. That process creates ketones, which may build up in your blood at dangerous levels and lead to a potentially fatal condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.
The ketones cause nausea and even vomiting in people with sensitive stomachs.
10. Painful or numb feet and legs

Diabetes leads to hardening of the arteries as well as nerve damage, and these symptoms are quite noticeable in the feet and legs.
Poor blood flow and nerve damage combined can lead to skin ulcers or infections that take a really long time to heal, and because there may also be numbness, you might not realize how badly your feet are suffering.
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